The latest news updates from the 2024 Symposium
Olivera (Olja) J. Finn, PhD, will explore the progress and challenges related to therapeutic cancer vaccines during a Friday afternoon session on breast cancer risk reduction and early detection.
Allison Kurian, MD, MSc, and Raymond Kim, MD, PhD, will share opposing perspectives on germline testing for genetic variants associated with breast cancer during a Friday afternoon debate.
Komal L. Jhaveri, MD; Matteo Lambertini, MD, PhD; and Judy E. Garber, MD, MPH, were among the experts presenting findings from six studies Wednesday during the first General Session of the 2024 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium®.
Nobel Prize winner William G. Kaelin, Jr., MD, presented the 2024 SABCS® keynote address on Wednesday and spoke about emerging and reemerging principles for controlling cancer with drugs.
Watch this special video that was presented before the first General Session on Wednesday, highlighting progress in breast cancer research and treatment, and acknowledging the important contributions of the patient advocacy community.
Plan your Thursday schedule and don’t miss notable items on the program, including the second General Session, the Molecular Tumor Board session, and presentations on artificial intelligence.