The latest news updates from the 2024 Symposium
On Friday, December 9, experts highlighted the updates from SABCS 2022 that may have an immediate impact for patients and physicians.
Andrei Goga, MD, PhD; Shom Goel, MBBS; Marleen Kok, MD, PhD; and Melinda Telli, MD, outlined updates across the spectrum of breast cancer research and clinical practice on Saturday, December 10.
Viviana Galimberti, MD, and fellow panelists explored evolving questions around the utility of targeted axillary dissection, the optimal duration of endocrine therapy, and the role of neoadjuvant therapy in triple negative breast cancer during a session Wednesday, December 7.
Hope S. Rugo, MD, opened a discussion session on Thursday, December 8, which explored different opinions on the future of minimum tolerable dose (MTD), randomized trials vs. real-world evidence, and the utility of Ki67 as a clinical biomarker.
Charles M. Perou, PhD, spoke Wednesday, December 7, about the importance of quantitative and objective means for measuring the intrinsic subtypes and immune signatures of breast cancer.
The fourth General Session featured data from trials on breast-conserving therapy and local recurrence, short-term recurrence rates in patients who pause endocrine therapy to pursue pregnancy, and more.
The fifth General Session included data from two preclinical studies suggesting new approaches to both treating and identifying brain metastases in triple negative and inflammatory breast cancer.
Adetunji T. Toriola, MD, PhD, MPH, spoke Friday about his work in identifying molecular determinants of mammographic density and breast cancer risk in premenopausal women.
Norman Wolmark, MD, FACS, FRCSC, received the Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction in Clinical Research on Friday for his pioneering work in breast conservation, clinical trials, and landmark genomic testing.
The 2022 Symposium concludes Saturday morning with the always popular Year In Review session led by SABCS Co-directors Virginia Kaklamani, MD, and Carlos Arteaga, MD.