The latest news updates from the 2024 Symposium
It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the 2020 Virtual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS). This international scientific symposium is the premier event for researchers, health professionals, and those with a special interest in breast cancer.
The move to a virtual meeting platform is not the only thing new about the 2020 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Alongside all of the cutting-edge educational programming, late-breaking science and networking opportunities you’ve come to expect, day one of this year’s Symposium includes a number of exciting and timely new offerings.
The 2020 recipients of the prestigious Susan G. Komen® Brinker Awards for Scientific Distinction will be recognized and will deliver their award lectures during Virtual SABCS.
For her groundbreaking research in genetics, Mary-Claire King, PhD, is the recipient of the 2020 William L. McGuire Memorial Lecture Award.
Maximize your Symposium experience by downloading the 2020 SABCS Mobile App, powered by Core-apps and available for free for both Apple and Android devices. Use the SABCS Mobile App to plan your schedule and set up your daily itinerary prior to the start of the Symposium.