What’s New at 2020 SABCS

The move to a virtual meeting platform is not the only thing new about the 2020 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Alongside all of the cutting-edge educational programming, late-breaking science and networking opportunities you’ve come to expect, day one of this year’s Symposium includes a number of exciting and timely new offerings you won’t want to miss. Check the online program or mobile app for the most up-to-date Symposium schedule.

Tuesday, December 8
8:15 am – 11:00 am
SPECIAL SESSION: Setting the Stage for Health Equity, Collaboration and Partnership
Presented by Tigerlily Foundation & AACR

  • Socio-Economic Access Matters
  • Not a One Size Fits All: Personalized Medicine for the Underserved
  • Policy Change to End Disparities

SPECIAL SESSION: Breast Cancer Care During COVID-19: How Did Patients and Clinicians Respond – A Global Perspective

  • Confronting Inequities of Care
  • Living With Breast Cancer and COVID-19
  • Global Perspectives on Breast Cancer Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic and How BC was Managed and Lessons Learned

9:30 am – 11:00 am
FDA and Breast Cancer Workshop

  • Sacituzumab
    Christy Osgood, MD, US Food and Drug Administration
  • Trastuzumab Deruxtecan
    Preeti Narayan, MD, US Food and Drug Administration
  • Tucatinib
    Mirat Shah, MD, US Food and Drug Administration

Global Breast Cancer Screening

  • Breast cancer screening trials in low and middle income countries: Lessons learned
    Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan, MD, MBBS
  • Weighing the benefits and harms of breast cancer screening
    Philippe Autier, MD, MPH, PhD