Career Development Forum returns for in-person mentoring

The Career Development Forum returns in-person at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS). The session, scheduled for 12:30 – 1:30 pm CT on Wednesday, December 7, gives early-career scientists a chance to interact with seasoned researchers.

The forum is a roundtable format, and this year there are 15 tables, each focusing on a different topic. Some topics are geared more toward basic and laboratory scientists; others have more of a lens for clinical researchers. But all topics are meant to provide information for conference attendees who are in medical school, graduate school or in their post-doctorate residency or fellowship.

Regardless of the topic, the objective of the forum is to strengthen scientists’ “soft” skills necessary for career development and progression that might not have been part of their science-based academic training. It’s a chance to sit down with some of the most respected researchers in the field of breast cancer and pick their brains to find out how they achieved their successes and what they would change along the way.

Topics are assigned to each table, but conversations aren’t required to be limited to those topics. Attendees are encouraged to switch tables every 20 minutes or so in order to expand their views on several topics.

Each table will have one or two scientific mentors who are experts in their field. Each table also will have a patient advocate to offer viewpoints early-career scientists rarely have the opportunity to hear. Advocates will provide insight about the people the scientists are serving, humanizing research for those who want to work in clinical practice, research, or trials.

The session is limited to 120 participants and is first come, first served. Lunch will be provided.

Career Development Forum Roundtable Topics

1. Balancing Research and Clinical Practice (Clinical)
2. Becoming a Successful Clinical Trialist (Clinical)
3. Careers in Industry
4. Careers in Basic Science
5. Careers in Translational Research (Clinical)
6. Careers in Translational Research (Laboratory)
7. Career Transitions
8. Negotiating a Job Offer or Promotion
9. How to Get Involved in & Make Collaborative Research Work for You
10. Time Management to Optimize Productivity and Wellness
11. Building a Support Network for Better Work-Life Balance
12. Funding Your Own Research
13. Professional Fulfillment and Burnout Mitigation
14. Challenges and Opportunities for Women in Research
15. Promoting Equity and Inclusion in Your Career and Teams